A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Baby Girl

I am not quite sure why, but 7 sounds so much older than 6 to me! I spent most of the weekend watching home videos from when Melanie was a baby up until she was about three. She had the sweetest little voice and cheeks you just want to kiss. Now she's looking so much like a girl and not a baby. As more teeth come out and her chubby cheeks go away, it makes me sad. But it's great to see what an AMAZING girl she's becoming. Today we went to the store to use a gift card that she got from Nana for her birthday. Melanie decided on her own that she was also buying each of her siblings a present with it as well. Then when we got home she served us all a plate of snacks...such a random girl! I'm excited to see what this year holds and trying to hold on to each moment that she's still a little girl!

This bridge is at a park we've been to a few times this summer and I just love it! Melanie struck a pose for me when we went on thursday.

1 comment:

AmandaB said...

I've got a big lump in my throat now! We were just looking through pictures this morning and came across one of Melanie's first birthday. It's hard to believe she is already 7! She is growing up into a beautiful girl!

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!