A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Melanie and I have been busy selling girl scout cookies! Yesterday we spent 3 hours in front of the grocery store pedaling cookie deliciousness! The first group pic was at the beginning and the next one is how we felt after the 3 hours LOL 
Brandon has been just as busy with Cub Scouts. He had the raingutter regata a few weeks ago and his boat won first place in his den.

He really enjoys being a Tiger Cub and we're happy to have finally found an activity that he loves!


AmandaB said...

COULD YOUR KIDS GET ANY CUTER??? Seeing them in their uniforms gets me everytime!

Anonymous said...

so cute!!!!1

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!