A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Christmas and New Years

It's so crazy how fast time flies as you get older! Figured that I had better post some pictures from our Christmas and New Years celebrations before it's summer time! We really enjoyed spending Christmas Eve with Grammy and Grandpa in Orange County. The kids have so much fun seeing their cousin. We ate chili, chatted, ate more food, and then opened presents. Then we drove home to have our own family celebration Christmas morning. The kids woke us up bright and early and we watched them open some presents from us. Then we headed over to Auntie's house to celebrate some more. It was great to visit with my Noni and Nona. I'm so thankful that they came down, even though they were in the middle of a big move. We also got to see my sister's new baby girls and enjoy all kinds of good food that my other sis prepared. Between holding babies, eating yummy food, nerf gun battles, eating yummy food and visiting with family, it was a GREAT day. We are truly blessed!

My sister brought us masks so we wouldn't spread germs to the babies. My kids wanted to wear one right away LOL

New Year's Day was great as well...We tried to get a picture with Nona and all her Grandkids. But it wasn't going to happen with this group. This was our best shot and I must admit that one person had to be photoshopped in LOL
Then we also wanted to get a shot of the twins with the twins...special ;o)


AmandaB said...

Love all your photos!! The one of Nona and Noni is such a great one of them. I'm so glad you captured so many little moments because that day flew by!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family. I love the one of your mom and her crew of grandchildren. What a blessed woman! I hope I am so lucky one day :)

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!