A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


I really love watching our kids interact...especially when they're NOT fighting. Brandon is such a lover and constantly wants to be next to Brooklun holding her hand, foot or whatever she'll hold still enough for him to grab. Poor girl doesn't get much time to herself because sister is often right in her face too. These are the times I cherish as a parent...I think God gives us these moments to make up for the rest!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Things I need to do today

Because if I don't write them down I may not do them *LOL*

Finish folding laundry that I started yesterday
Put clothes away
Unload dishwasher/reload with breakfast dishes
Get storage bins to organize all kids craft stuff in closet
Vaccuum out car

I know that there's so much more to clean, but I know I won't be able to get it done, so why add it to my list. Who knows if target with all three kids is even realistic at this point. We're going to a play area with a friend around 10am...maybe I can hit up target then and do my other chores when we get home. I'm sure some of the kids will nap on the way home so I can organize in peace *LOL* I guess it would be easier without my little nursling who eats so often too ;o) My house would be so clean and tidy with no kiddos, but until then I can handle the mess and enjoy the hugs and kisses.

Why is it that...

the kids are constantly on each other all day and around me but when Daddy gets home they still want to crawl all over me? I couldn't even eat dinner last night because all three were in my lap. I'm coming back in my next life as a daddy...heehee ;0)

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!