A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Things I need to do today

Because if I don't write them down I may not do them *LOL*

Finish folding laundry that I started yesterday
Put clothes away
Unload dishwasher/reload with breakfast dishes
Get storage bins to organize all kids craft stuff in closet
Vaccuum out car

I know that there's so much more to clean, but I know I won't be able to get it done, so why add it to my list. Who knows if target with all three kids is even realistic at this point. We're going to a play area with a friend around 10am...maybe I can hit up target then and do my other chores when we get home. I'm sure some of the kids will nap on the way home so I can organize in peace *LOL* I guess it would be easier without my little nursling who eats so often too ;o) My house would be so clean and tidy with no kiddos, but until then I can handle the mess and enjoy the hugs and kisses.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Ahhh! I SO hear ya on the nursing. E. still nurses like crazy. :: sigh :: It makes it very difficult to get anything done. Oh well, I try to rmemeber they are only this young once. I'd better enjoy it while I can. : )

Hugs to you!

Btw ~ did you attempy Target? My double stroller was and still is the ONLY way I ever get any shopping done by myself. LOL

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!