A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Miss B

Been bloggin about all the older kids activities and didn't even post any pics of Miss B! If I have my real camera out, she runs! But she let me take her pic with my cell phone in the car today. Brooklyn is my buddy throughout the day. She tags a long as we drop-off and pick-up kids at school. She loves to summersault and if the ground is soft enough, she will summersault from point a to b...rather than walking. She summersaults down the hall in the morning and into bed at night. Probably should put her in gymnastics, this momma just can't take one more activity at the moment LOL She is also really in to the Disney princesses right now. Wants to hear all about them each night before we go to bed. Her favorites right now are Snow White and Cinderella. Will miss my little tag-a-long once she is in school. Need to enjoy her now...tantrums and all!!

1 comment:

AmandaB said...

So cute!! Love that pic of her. So sassy! I love that she somersaults everywhere, it happens a lot at auntie's house.

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!