A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Life with three

Has it really been this long since I've updated my blog?? I guess having a baby will do that to you. Things are going well at our house. Melanie has done great adjusting to another sibling and Brandon hasn't been too bad. He has had more tantrums, been more whiney and been up more at night...but I guess it could be worse. I feel like I've really enjoyed the infant stage more then I did with my first two. We've finally got nursing down, and I just love interacting with Brooklyn when she's awake!

I think that this is definitely the most overwhelming that my life has been. I never knew how hard raising kiddos would be. I feel like I spend most days trying...with no luck...to control my kids. I know that they're both at hard ages, but I don't think I ever realized how trying it would be for me. Overall I think that God is showing me just how selfish I am, because it is definitely not about me at this point in my life. I remember the days of doing things for myself and can't remember the last time I did anything for me. The day starts with taking care of the kids' needs and doesn't seem to end. It truly is a 24-hour job!

I can't wait to be able to actually spend some time with my husband where we can have a full conversation and eat a meal from start to finish.

I can't wait to go to a store and shop for anything by myself.

I can't wait to actually get chores done and completed around the house.

I can't wait to sleep an entire night with no little people waking me up.

I could go on and on, but I wouldn't change a thing about my precious children and I feel so blessed to be able to stay at home with them and watch them grow. I know they will be grown and gone in no time and I really want to cherish these years...hard as they may be. I know that once they're in school I'll be sad to not have them constantly at my side...even if they are tugging on my legs and whining ;o)


sarahbobeara said...

she is just booo-tiful :)

i'm glad you're really enjoying brooklyn's infancy. i hope things settle down soon for you. thanks for posting a pic of miss b!

Heather said...

She is a doll, Kendra. You will all be adjusted soon, I promise. :)

Strong Enough said...

Brooklyn is gorgeous! What a precious addition. You guys sure make some great looking babies!

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!