A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sore bottom lip

You know that it's been a trying moment when you realize that your bottom lip is actually sore from biting it out of frustration! Had a great morning at MOPS and got a few hours with no kids hanging off of me...or each other for that matter. Brandon didn't cry in childcare, but did cling to one teacher the entire time! I'm so thankful that he's staying in there and giving this momma a bit of a break. I love having time to talk to other mommies and just relax. After MOPS all the kids were playing together and when it came time to leave my friend's house it was a nightmare. I never knew how physically challenging a 3 year old could be, but when she's kicking and screaming it definitely adds a bit of frustration to the situation. I just wanted to get both kids strapped into their car seats and head home as fast as I could. I hate having moments like these where I feel so helpless to control the situation and feel like I'm losing it. Then I think about the fact that we're adding a third child to this already crazy family and I get a little nervous. It's crazy that these little people that I LOVE so much can cause me so much strife at the same time. Well I could probably keep rambling, but I feel much better and will leave it at that. I know that everyone else has had moments like this too :)


slcollins said...

You handled the situation beautifully. You are an awesome mother of two and I have no doubt that you'll be equally as awesome as a mother of three.

Heather said...

Adding another made me a bit nervous too. However a week and a half into it, we are slowly establishing a routine and all is falling into place. It will for you too. :)

Kendra said...

Thanks girls :)

Melissa said...

You'll do fine, Kendra. More than fine, even. Soon you'll be thinking #4 sounds like a good idea! lol

Dana said...

LOL Melissa. I know this is an old post but wanted you to know I've been thinking of you. I hope you are all adjusting well.

Oh and sometimes after we leave church I think, Hmmm, maybe we should go ahead and try for one more real quick. (35 was my limit and I will be 35 in November) Then Monday comes along and I'm alone with the 3 kids and am having one of those days pulling my hair out and thinking #4 hasn't even arrived yet and I think I want another?!?!?! That's the good old catholic church for you. Makes you want more and more and more.... LOL!!!!

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!