A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Special time with my boy

My MIL really wanted to spend some time one-on-one with Melanie so she came and picked her up at 9am this morning. although Brandon was sad that he didn't get to go, we had a nice morning together. I took him in to get his 2 year pictures and we walked around the mall together. I didn't really think about it, but he's always so rushed because I'm chasing after Melanie. It was so nice to doddle along with him. We looked in the Disney store, stopped and threw pennies in the fountain and then we went to Penney's to get his pics taken. He was such a little trooper while we waited...but once we went in the picture room he didn't want to be in there. We did manage one shot of him smiling, but it's not the best. I ordered a package of pics anyway because I think at this age he probably just won't like his picture to be taken at the studio. Plus, I didn't want to have a 2 yr pic for Melanie and not him.

Once we got back in the car he fell asleep :o) Since I still had some time before my doctor's appointment, I got some gas and went through Drive-thru for a little lunch. It was nice driving in a quiet car and listening to my own music for an hour. Then I dropped Brandon off at my MILs and headed to my appointment. After I picked him and Melanie up she fell asleep for a nap...so now I've had even more time with just my little man. What a difference it is just having him by himself...I've really enjoyed this special time today!


Melissa said...

I've been enjoying my "Micah" time when Isaak's at school. I know how you feel when it seems like the little one is just tagging along. I already feel like I'm getting to know Micah so much better in just the two mornings we spent together. Hope you get some more one-on-one time...with all three of them!

Froggie Mama said...

Awww - Sounds like a great day. I'm glad the two of you got to spend some one on one time together. I can't wait to see his pics! I don't think your little man can take a BAD pic! He's too precious!

slcollins said...

Yay for Brando time. He's a neat kid.

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!