A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Boring day

Woke up and had a pretty productive morning this morning :) I changed the sheets and put away the clean laundry from the weekend and then we headed down stairs to have some breakfast. While the kids were eating I started a load of laundry, loaded the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen a bit. Got the kids all dressed and we headed out to run some errands. I wanted to get some sheets for the pack'n'play since the baby will be sleeping in it the first few months, so we were headed to babies'r'us. When we got there it wasn't even open yet...guess I was a bit too quick to get out of the house this morning. So we headed down the street and got some groceries first. I usually dread the grocery store, but the kids were so good the entire trip! By the time we were done we went back to BRU and got the sheets and headed home. The kids snacked and watched a movie while I went through some toys and folded the laundry. Then we drove up to the goodwill to drop some stuff and headed home again. Brandon fell asleep on the way home, so Melanie and I set-up the pack'n'play and organized some of the stuff that I got over the weekend for the baby. She got such a kick out of setting stuff up and kept putting stuff in the pack'n'play for baby "Bwookwin" to play with. I'm really excited to see my kids with their new baby sister.

I think that I'm ready for the baby to come...well I should say that I'm prepared for her to come, but would love it if she held out until October. I have some baby clothes washed and put away, bag packed for myself and the baby's hospital stay (Brian's on his own this time *LOL*), infant carseat all clean and in the car, teeny diapers ready, pack'n'play set-up, etc. Now mentally I don't know if I'm ready for another baby, but who really is ;) I have an ultrasound tomorrow and I'm excited to see how the baby is growing!


Strong Enough said...

Oh Kendra, I am SOOOO excited for you!

I'm glad that your day was boring. Relaxation is what you need before the baby comes.

sarahbobeara said...

how is it that your pregnancies go so fast for the rest of us?!?!? still can't believe that brando is almost 2 already!

glad you're packed & ready...that means bwookwin will be 2 weeks late ;)

Kendra said...

*LOL* Sarah...I'm actually hoping she'll arrive on time or late ;o)

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!