A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I had forgotten how hard it was to sleep in the last weeks of pregnancy. I'm not sure if it's a mental thing or what, but I just can't seem to settle down to sleep the last few weeks. I know I'm tired because Brandon has been keeping me up the last few nights. But when I lay down to go to sleep I just don't feel like I can fall asleep. Tonight I have a pounding headache for some reason so that hasn't helped either. I wonder if there is anything that I can take that would help...I'll have to ask my doc when I go in on friday! So here I sit at 10:30pm...just took some Tylenol for the headache and washed it down with some tums for the heartburn. Although I can't complain because other then that I'm really enjoying this pregnancy right to the end :)


Heather said...

Oh, man. I am right there with you. And, I swear I have been eating tums like they are going out of style. Yuck.

Kendra said...

I didn't mind the Smooth Disolve Tums, but last time I was at the store they were out and now it's hard chewin' the regular kind!

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!