A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Poop everywhere

I decided to take a walk with the kids down to the shopping center by our house. They have a healthfood store that has a yummy snack that the kids love (veggie booty) and I thought we would hit up the playplace at McDonalds for some lunch afterwards...quite the combo I know ;) It was such a nice walk down there because it was all downhill and there was a cool breeze. The kids were GREAT and they even had some whale fossils on display that Melanie enjoyed seeing! I was really surprised at what a fun day it had been...then it started to take a turn for the worse. While taking our tray of food outside I knocked over my Diet Coke and spilled on my shirt. Not a big deal except for the fact that it spilled a perfectly round spot right over my boob!! It looked as if I was lactating diet coke *LOL* and the pregnant belly only made it seem like that's what it was! I decided that I was a mom and could get away with having a stained shirt.

Then after the kiddos ate and played, Brandon came up to me and I realized that he had poop ALL over the place. He had been playing in the stroller and it was also all over that as well. I didn't even know where to start...of course we walked so I was about a 20 minute walk away from our house. There was the nicest mom there who went and got my diaper bag from across the play place and helped me get out wipes and stuff. She also helped me get into the restrooms since I was pushing the double stroller and trying to coral Brandon and Melanie in there at the same time. I was so embarassed that I had to walk through a food place with a stroller and toddler covered in poop...but what else could I have done??

Of course I had about three wipes left in my diaper bag so it was interesting cleaning things up. but I did have an extra pair of pants for Brandon and an extra shirt of Melanie's so he left looking a little frilly but clean! I put him in the cleanest side of the stroller and walked to the drug store to buy some trash bags. I put a trash bag over the poopy side and plopped Melanie in it and then we headed up the hill for home. Luckily Brandon fell asleep and Melanie is watching a movie so I had a chance to hose down the stroller. I really hope that I can get it cleaned up because it's my favorite stroller and cost me more then I'de like to admit!!

Brian is going to a baseball game after work so I'm hoping I can get the kids in bed early and then shower and go to bed!! I must say that I never pictured things like this happening when I dreamed of being a mommy...definitely a humbling job. But with all the chaos I was so thankful that God placed that other momma there and that the kids behaved so well.


Heather said...

Oh man. What a day, huh? I hope you got some time to chill last night.

Froggie Mama said...

Oh my gosh!! LOL What a crazy afternoon. I'm so glad that other Mom was able to help you. Thank goodness for her and glad the kiddos cooperated. ((HUGS))

Strong Enough said...

Wow, what a day you had. I hope you were able to relax the rest of the weekend.

Dana said...

Omgosh!!! What a day! OY! I hope today is much easier on you. : )

Big hugs heading your way!!

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!