Well I enjoy reading other people's blogs so I thought I would start one as well. Seems like a nice way to blab about my day as well as vent! Hey, I guess if I like random details about other's days then maybe someone wants to hear the randomness of mine. Hopefully I won't bore you all or completely turn you away with my lack of good writing style.
Today was not too much different then most mondays...I didn't have any plans and it was so HOT that we stayed inside almost all day. Inspite of having two crazy toddlers, I did manage to get a bunch accomplished today.
I started and finished about 4 loads of laundry...which has yet to be put away!
Went to the grocery store and Costco
Deposited money at the bank
Swept and mopped the kitchen floor
Vacuumed the family room
Got some pics developed and actually put them into the photo album
Melanie and Brandon were both a bit cranky today. Brandon seems to be at a stage where he is constantly whiney. I'm sure that it's because he's not talking yet and has so much he wants to express, but can't. but sometimes I think it's just his way of throwing a tantrum. He's only been napping for about 20-30 minutes the last few days and he's driving me bananas! Melanie usually naps once or twice during the week...and today was the day that I really forced the nap. It was nice because I was able to get a lot done while she slept and there was no fighting!
Her new thing to do is take things and hide them so Brandon can't play with them. She's such a stinker lately with him! I hope that as they both pass these crazy ages they might actually play together better!
Well, I suppose I could just keep going and going, but that's enough for today. It's 5:45pm in my neck of the woods and I should probably get going with dinner...although I would much rather just continue to sit on the couch a be on the computer.