A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Winding down...

Relaxing...can you ever do this once you give birth to a child?? I feel like by the time I get the last child off to sleep I'm pooped. So tonight I decided that I couldn't waste this precious time just going to sleep. I feel like the only time I have to myself is right now. My husband seems to think that I should wake up before the kids so that I can start the day out with some time to myself...but when I'm up multiple times in the middle of the night and all the kids seem to be up before 7am...I just don't think that I could do it.

So I decided that each night this is going to be my time to wind down. It's usually time when I can hang out with my hubby, but he goes to bed so darn early and I'm tired of laying in bed awake. A big huge BUT...

How do you relax and wind down when you're at home. I came downstairs to find 3 out of 5 loads of laundry that have yet to be folded, toys scattered about the family room and dinner dishes in the sink. I can't relax knowing that all of those chores hang over my head and yet I don't have the energy to do them all right now.

I have a ton of stuff that I would love to do. But it seems that my list of things I enjoy and want to do gets longer as my list of endless house duties and child care get done. So I guess I will just write down what I would like to be doing and then go clean up the house *LOL*

1. Stamp ;o)
2. Read (a magazine, my friend's blogs, one of my parenting books...anything that's not a list of things to do or a grocery list)
3. Paint my toe nails
4. Sit down and watch anything other then a kids show on TV


Strong Enough said...

You really need to spend your "you" time doing the things that you want. The other stuff can wait. You owe it to yourself. HUGS!

Kendra said...

I know Tracy, I think I needed to hear that! It was actually relaxing to fold laundry without kids getting into it and unfolding it ;o)

Joy Leighanne said...

Oh my, I so know what that is like. It is so hard to relax when you know that there are other things that you "should" be doing. I totally know what you meant about it being relaxing folding laundry without kids getting into it. ;) Sometimes it is nice to pick up the house before bed, just because I know that it will still be that way for hours. Silly, maybe, but true. Still, Tracy is right. Sometimes we have to take time to do something just for us. It is something I have trouble with too. Best of luck.

Froggie Mama said...

You just do whatever you need to do to relax! You totally deserve it and do NOT feel guilty about it either... or it doesn't count as relaxing!! ;) LOL

I usually do the same... computer, read a magazine, scrapbook, etc. Something like that helps me unwind for the night.


Unknown said...

Amen Sister, and I only have 2! I understand that need and pull to stamp it's calling to me all day.

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!