A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

One of "those" days

You know the ones, we all have them.

when your 6 year old cries the entire way to school because she wants you to put her shoes on...even though you've already asked her to put them on about 5 times and she wouldn't let you!!

when everyone who you pass by is staring at you...no doubt because you have a crying first grader trailing behind you and a cranky 3 year old wiggling out of your arms but begging for you to hold her at the same time!

when you can't seem to get anything accomplished even though you are running around from room to room like a crazy woman!

when you can't please anyone because everyone wants something different...whether it's a song in the car, what to eat for dinner or whose room stories are being read in!

when there is so much crammed in you wonder how it's only been 24 hours...school runs, grocery, coaches gifts, cleaning, laundry, work, PE mom, soccer practice...

when you're so excited for the day to be over and to crawl in to bed...but then you can't sleep because so much didn't get done and so much could have been done different.

when you have to STOP being overwhelmed and START praying. God is so much bigger, He can stay awake all night and handle all of this, I can wake up in a new day, filled with His GRACE, STRENGTH and seeking His guidance so it's not another one of "those" days!!!


Anonymous said...

Awww...hang in there mama. We all have those days. I have them and I only have 2, so I can't even imagine what craziness you live through sometimes with 3! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know "those" days! I'm so grateful that the good days outnumber them! We've had one of "those" weeks...lots of vomit and diarrhea...

AmandaB said...

You are amazing to survive those days! You know you can always drop a couple of Watsons off at Auntie's house when you need a break!

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!