A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Graduation & Awards Night

This week was full of fun activities as school was winding down and so were lots of the kids activities! Brandon had his graduation from junior kindergarten on wednesday. I am sad because I really enjoyed the school that he's been at the last two years and we are both going to miss all the great people there! He is sad because his bestest bud in the entire world is going to a different school than him next year!

I didn't get a great diploma shot as I had Brooklyn in one hand, the video camera in the other and the camera resting on my arm...it looked pretty interesting to say the least. But I did manage to catch the shot right before he smiled LOL!
Later that afternoon we had the kids awards night for AWANAS. AWANAS is a program at our church where the kids get to go each week and play games, hear stories from the Bible and recite their Bible verses that they've been memorizing throughout the week. I didn't realize the capacity to memorize scripture at such a young age, but both Brandon and Melanie finished their entire book!! I even found myself memorizing the verses right along with them. It was such a blessing for all of us. This is their group leader and the certificates they got for completing the year!


slcollins said...

Yay M and B!!!

Anonymous said...

Great times! I'll have to look into Awanas! Sounds like a great concept.

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!