A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Random blogging

Well I think the sickies finally left our house...dare I even say that. Brandon had a short bout with the flu while he was still sick with a cold, but it only lasted one night...thank God! Brian has been off work all week since we got some rain, so it's been a nice change around here. We went to Disneyland with his mom and got Melanie a pass since she's 3 now. We weren't planning on renewing our passes, but now I think we will. We have reward dollars on our disney credit card that give us disney bucks, so we use those to get our passes. Otherwise I don't think we would go...it's almost $50 just for one to get in...YIKES! It should be fun going this year though. Brian goes back on monday, so I'm trying to enjoy the weekend and prepare myself. Having three young kiddos is so draining!! We went out to dinner last night and had Brian's parents watch the kids for a few hours. It was a nice break because they fell asleep on the way home and we had a nice evening without fighting, screaming, whining and the usual bedtime responsibilities! We have so many gift cards for restaurants, movies, movie rentals, shopping, etc...so it was nice to actually use one of them.

We don't have any plans this weekend, aside from trying to get to church. I think it's been a month since we last went. It's so hard because Brandon won't stay in children's church and he won't sit still in big church. I feel like it's important for our family to make church a priority weekly as the kids are growing up, but I hate sitting in the nursery with him and now the baby too. I like that Brian can sit in church, but I miss being in there. I'm not really going to a Bible study right now either, so I really feel the need for the fellowship and teaching more so then in the past. Maybe Brian and I will start trading and hopefully Brandon will eventually start enjoying church. Melanie LOVES it so atleast we have one easy child on sunday mornings. WOW I didn't intend on blabbing on and on for so long, I guess I had more to blog about then I thought ;o)

1 comment:

Dana said...

Disney is such fun!!! I'd have passes if we lived closer as well! : )

Well, the catholic church doesn't have nurserys. They think all children should be at mass right along with their parents. Let me just say, that's FUN! LOL I hardly ever get to hear more than one or two words spoken. ; )

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!