A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I had such a productive morning so I'm going to post about it here just to make me feel better about having such an unproductive afternoon ;) This is an extremely boring blog entry though, so don't feel bad skipping it! I started the day with a shower which usually doesn't happen until the kids are in bed at night. I finished a bunch of laundry yesterday but hadn't put it away yet, so I did that while Melanie was in the bath and Brandon was still sleeping! After he woke up I put new sheets on our bed and took the old ones downstairs with the towels to wash. I unloaded the dishwasher and then put all the dirty dishes from the morning into it. When I went upstairs to get the kids clothes for the day I decided to weed through Brandon's closet for all the stuff that doesn't fit anymore. It actually took about 2 minutes so I don't know why I had been putting it off. Then I went out back to get something and realized that there was so much stuff (bubbles, buckets, toys, etc.) that needed to be reorganized and put away. Of course the kids wanted to join me in getting things out while I was trying to reorganize! After things were put away I filled up their little pool because even though it was only 10am it was already blazing HOT! They swam for a while and then we got in dry clothes and headed off to the grocery store. Brandon fell asleep on the way home so Melanie and I unloaded groceries and then made some cookies....yummy! But that was the end of my productiveness...as soon as Brandon woke up the kiddos had lunch and then played while I layed on the couch for an hour. I think I sank right in and got stuck, because I just didn't want to get up off of it. Finally they seemed a bit stir crazy so we went outside to walk around for a bit. It was nice because it really had cooled off a lot and wasn't too hot. Now we're back in the house, they've been fed and seem to be content playing again so I'm sitting in front of the computer. I'm doing hot dogs and baked beans for dinner, so I don't really have anything to prepare. I guess it's nice to slack off every now and then, and I did get a lot done this morning so I don't feel that guilty. Hmmmm...I wonder what tomorrow holds :)


Katie said...

mmmm...cookies sound great. We made cupcakes on Monday. Usually we are brownie eaters... super tasty.

I wish I could get that much done before 10. My children don't allow me to be that productive.

Kendra said...

Yes the PB cookies Mindi...they are to die for! We brought some to our neighbor and gave some to my sister when she stopped by for a visit. Her and her husband were raving over them. Brian LOVED them and I'm just trying to have some self-control so there are some left for him when he gets home from work. Between these and the french dip, you're fattening up my fam ;)

Heather said...

Wow, Kendra! Good job!

Oh, and hot dogs and baked beans is not slacking off. We had Captain Crunch for dinner last night! LOL

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!