A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Fun weekend

Well we started out the weekend by going to a baseball game on friday night. We didn't get there until the 4th inning, but we knew it was going to be a late night and didn't know if the kids would do good for all 9 innings and fireworks afterwards. The kids really seemed to have so much fun! Melanie was a bit nervous after they shot off a few fireworks and said she wanted to go. so we left during the 8th inning and watched the fireworks from the car...Melanie liked that much better.

Saturday was a bit crazy because that's when Melanie went to the circus, but she came back safely and had so much fun, so it was good in the end. Brandon took a 4 hour long nap and I actually got to nap with him for 2 of those hours. It was so wonderful to just relax and not do anything. Brian went into work late and came home earlier then usual so it was nice having some time together as a family.

Sunday we went to church and then had lunch at home with the kids. We had some family in town so we headed over to the ILs around 2pm. It really was a GREAT day. the kids ran around with their cousin and Brian played cards for a long time. The food was great and it was just such a relaxing day. I wish I could get Brandon to stay by himself in the nursery at church so that I could go in to the service, but he just cries and cries when we leave. I guess it's just a season and I'm hoping that within the next year he'll be more comfortable and have fun in there so I can actually attend church again with Brian!

My goal for the day is getting both kiddos to take a nap. With such a crazy weekend, Melanie is just messed up in the sleep department. She wouldn't go down until after 9pm last night and was up at 3am and then 6:30am. She really needs to have a nap or else she seems to be so hard to deal with at night. I think I'll let the kids play outside this morning and then we'll head to the store. Hopefully they'll fall asleep on the way home.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Yes, that's the circus that they went to...it was up at the Anaheim Pond. Not sure how long they're in town for but let me know if you end up bringing your kiddos to the circus.

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!