A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Where does the time go?

I can't believe that my last entry is from the 22nd and now it's already the 29th of August! I haven't had too much going on, just haven't been able to get on the computer these last few days! We had a relaxing but crazy weekend that's for sure.

On friday I had a wonderful birthday lunch with my friend and then we walked around the mall for a bit. She always manages to make my day special :) After that I took the kids to my inlaws house because they offered to watch them overnight! What a blessing to have family close by...the kids LOVE going over there and I really enoyed having a few hours to myself before Brian got home. I finished knitting a blanket that I've been working on FOREVER and then took a nice looooong shower. When Brian got home we decided to head out for dinner and movie. We used to go to the movies all the time before we had kids! When we got there all of the power in the shopping center was out...kind of creepy! So we headed to a different restaurant and then just went home to relax.

It was nice waking up Saturday morning on my own and not having to tend to the kids. Brian and I just spent the morning doing random things around the house and then we went to get some donuts and pick up the kids. When we got there Brandon was asleep for a nap, so Brian took me and dropped me off for my spa day with my sisters and momma! It was so nice hanging out with my family and getting pampered. We went in the jacuzzi (just my feet since I didn't want Brooklyn to get too toasty) and then it was off for my massage. It was wonderful, but a bit pricey so I'm not sure I'll be doing it again too soon. After that I sat in a quiet room with my younger sis and we put cucumbers on our eyes. It was funny because both of us couldn't get them to stay on and kept laughing. Then I showered and we ate lunch there. It was such a fun time and great memory too! Then it was back to reality *LOL*

Sunday was a bit hectic because we decided to go out and look at houses about an hour from our place. Brian really wants to get out of our condo. I think that he feels like he works so hard and can't get into a house here and it drives him nuts. I really love living where we are now because there are so many kids in the neighborhood and I'm close to family and friends. We both grew up here and don't really know any different. But it breaks my heart to see him struggle so much with work and not have a house to show for it. We found a bunch of beautiful houses that are actually selling for the same price as our condo. We both talked and decided we need to pray about it a ton this week, but it looks like we may be headed out of here sooner rather then later.

I'm feeling excited, but a bit sad at the same time because I grew up in this area and all our family/friends are here. If we move away then we won't get to see family as much and will also lose many of our babysitters. With having three little ones at home, I don't know if I'm putting myself in a bad position or not. I know I will meet new friends and won't be that far from family and close friends that I have now...but it's just such a HUGE life change for me I guess! We would have to find a new church, new doctors, etc. I just feel so torn this morning!

Didn't think I had SO much to blab about this morning...must be a monday thing :)

1 comment:

Joy Leighanne said...

I know how hard it is not to own a house when you work so hard. I hope ya'll can find some peace in whatever decision you make.

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!