A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Today started out much better then some previous ones this week! We had a big day yesterday, so the kids both slept in this morning. It was so nice getting up on my own without hearing the kids at the crack of dawn. I got up and got ready and even checked a few emails before hearing Brandon at 8am. Then we came downstairs and had some breakfast together while we waited for Melanie to wake up. She just got up about 15 minutes ago...just in time to watch her favorite show DORA the EXPLORER! Brandon is such a snuggly little guy, he's just sitting here next to me, leaning on my shoulder and rubbing my arm. I just treasure my time with him...especially since Melanie isn't usually a snuggly girl!

Yesterday we met a friend of mine at costco and did some shopping. then we got the kids hot dogs and she invited us over to play at her house for a while. It's always a nice break being somewhere other then your own house. The kids did really good playing with each other too. Then my sister called and asked if we wanted to come up and swim at her pool. So I rounded up the kiddos and we headed home to get our swim stuff. Brandon fell asleep in the car which was nice because I knew it would be about an hour by the time I got all our stuff, got lunch for myself and got up to my sister's house. He slept the whole time...YAY! My sister has three bunnies at her house so the kids had fun playing with them while we all got ready to swim. She has the BEST pool in her apartment complex...there's a little kiddie pool and then the big pool has a ramp that goes down into it. The kids just wanted to run in and out of the water the entire time. After we got dried off we headed home and Melanie fell asleep for a nap. Brandon and I got cleaned up and had more time just to play together until she woke up around 5:30pm. Then I got her all showered off and we got ready to go to my nephew's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's. IT was nice because there was family there to chase after the kids so I got to sit down for a while and east dinner without two kiddos to deal with. After lots of playing we headed home and both kids went down pretty easily.

It's amazing how a good nights sleep....followed by sleeping in a bit can make you feel like a new person. I have a few things to do around the house today, but other then that we don't really have much planned. I'm trying to think of something fun to do with the kids later if it's not too hot. Maybe we'll go to the park by the beach and I can pack a lunch to eat there. My kids aren't really into the water yet (I think the waves still are a bit overwhelming to them) so it's nice just to play in the sand and hang out. Brian is off work tomorrow and I have a bridal shower to go to...I'm looking forward to a nice break from being a mommy for a few hours.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Sounds like a FUN day Kendra. : )

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!