A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Monday, August 29, 2005

How do you chill out

Well it's just about 5:30pm at my house which seems to be a universal meltdown time. I've had a cranky almost 2 year old all day long and a three year old who seems to be constantly pushing the limits today. I feel like if one isn't getting into something the other one is...which is our own fault for having children who would be at this terrible toddler stage at the same time! I get so down because I don't like the way that I handle things. I hate it when I yell at them, but I just can't seem to be calm when they are pushing ALL my buttons. I know I need to pray more throughout my day so that I would experience more of God's power to get by, but even that hasn't seemed to help today! So here I sit with a screaming child at my feet typing...if I don't take a time-out I know that I'll just explode! I'm thankful that Melanie is sitting quietly playing atleast!


Heather said...

I struggle the most with trying not to yell too, Kendra. We have all been there.

Joy Leighanne said...

I try not to yell to and hate it when I do, but I swear that sometimes that is the only time when Maxwell listens. It is like I'm not talking to him if I'm not yelling. :( What do I do to chill? Just try to hang on until bed time.

Strong Enough said...

Oh Kendra! It is only human to feel the way that you do. I feel that almost weekly and I don't even spend the whole day with Sara. THAT makes me feel the way that you do. You are an amazing mother and you are doing all that you can do. Just remember the amazing smiles of you kids when you having a rough time. I have started doing that and having Sara go to her room during her 'meltdowns' and that seems to put things into perspective a little more. HUGS to you on a touch day.


slcollins said...

You are a great Mommy. Our moms yelled at us and look how great we turned out. :) Ooohh, bad example.

Lois said...

btdt... I keep reminding myself he's just as frustrated as I am, when that doesn't work... I have to remind myself it's only temporary, he'll grow out of it!

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!