A little peek in to what it's like being the Momma of three Wild Watson's!

Monday, August 22, 2005

I never knew I would be so excited

Haven't updated in a while because things have just seemed so boring around here lately. Same old same old at home chasing after two toddlers and just trying to make it through the day! On friday I was feeling my usualy guilty feeling about not having Melanie potty-trained yet...I usually have these guilt trip once every couple months, try the whole potty thing and then decide that she's just not ready and I might have 3 in diapers! So I put some "big-girl panties" on my stubborn girl because we were stuck at home all day and I thought I should give it another try. After about an hour I took her in and she went pee-pee in the potty. She has done this before, but usually it was more of luck then actually going on cue. I was thrilled, but tried to hold my excitement until she actually went again. I figured I would be cleaning up wet carpets and couches within hours. But we went outside to play and she didn't have one single accident! She has been in panties ALL weekend long and hasn't wet in them once. She hasn't started telling me that she has to go, but she will go everytime I take her in there. She stayed dry through her nap yesterday too, but I'm still keeping her in diapers at night for now. I just can't believe how excited and proud that I feel over something as simple as peeing in the potty :)

Now #2 is a different story...she seems to be holding it because we haven't yet gone poop in the potty yet. We did go poop in our "big-girl panties" yesterday morning though. So today I'm off to get more underwear so we have plenty on hand for the next few weeks...if they're going to be messy ones!! I thought that this day would never come. And what's even better is that she has her 3 year well check tomorrow and I was dreading bringing her in in diapers because the nurse had a made a comment last time we were in about her still being in diapers...ARG! Now I can tell the nurse to kiss my butt *LOL*

Not too much other exciting stuff going on in my world right now. I'm counting down the days until friday when my inlaws are going to take the kids for the night so that we can go out to dinner for my birthday. Not even sure if we'll go out or just enjoy a quiet house. Then on saturday I'm going to go and get a massage with my sisters and my momma! I can't wait...although I am a bit nervous about bearing all while someone I don't know rubs my bod :)

1 comment:

Joy Leighanne said...

How exciting! I don't think Maxwell told me in the begining that he needed to potty either. But he got there. :) What a good sign that she didn't have any accidents this weekend.
A quiet night without kids, that sounds nice. I hope you enjoy it, out or in.

About Me

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Southern California, United States
I'm a Christ follower, Wife, Mom, photographer and all kinds of other random things!