I was "tagged" by
Marilee to blog about 7 interesting facts about myself and since I enjoyed reading hers, I thought I better post mine as well. My first thought was how am I going to think about 7 interesting things about me? But I'll try ;o)
1. I have a serious obsession with checking my email and following people's blogs. I think that's why I've been going nuts without my laptop. It was so convenient to pop it open and check stuff throughout the day! I also think it's so odd when people don't check their emails often...but I have to remember I have a problem *LOL* My internet addiction also drives my husband insane, because he is rarely on the computer for anything!
2. The thought of going back to a full-time job scares me!! I feel like I've always wanted to stay at home, have babies and then spend the rest of my days raising them and taking care of the family! I feel so blessed to be at home right now because this job is so overwhelming and rewarding on a daily basis! Looking at other "careers" makes me realize how passionate I am about the one I'm already in!
3. I'm a "night owl" I could stay up until 1am trying to get things done and not feel tired...but in the morning it is SO hard for me to crawl out of bed!
4. I LOVE coffee, but didn't start drinking it until a few years ago. Between the caffeine in coffee and pepsi, I'm in trouble. I try to limit myself because I know how awful it is for your body.
5. I HATE drinking water! I know how essential it is for health and definitely can see the consequences I suffer for not drinking enough of it. But...I still struggle with drinking it!
6. I can't stand shoes! I am ALWAYS in flip-flops regardless of the weather. My feet just feel too confined when they're stuck in a shoe.
7. I don't wear make-up. Mostly because I have NO clue how to put it on. I'm realizing as I get older that I "need" to wear it though. I do have a lip gloss and powder compact in my purse in case the circles under my eyes are looking too dark or I need to cover blemishes...but I hate feeling the make-up on my face.
OK, not totally interesting things, but those were 7 things that came to my mind :o)